Technical Interview Questions and Answers on Peoplesoft.
Explain briefly about record properties?KEY: the record knows a field, which uniquely identifies each row, as a key.
1. According, to the key field, we will search and retrieve data from the database.
2. This will not allow duplicate and not null values.
3. It is a primary key
4. It allows multiple keys
5. Maximum keys allowed in a record is 15
6. It should be placed at the top of the record definition.
Duplicate Order Key:
1. It provides a way of ordering data in the table when the duplicate values are allowed.
2. It will create index for the column. However the index can be disabled.
Alternate Search key:
1. It identifies the field as a key that provides an alternative path into table data.
2. Due to alternate search key the system becomes slow, because database index will be created when SQL creates the tables, so it will consume the disk space.
3. It allows duplicate values.
4. Alternate search will be seen in the search dialog box when update/display mode is selected.
Descending order key:
It is used to retrieve data in the form of 3-2-1 or C-B-A and normally it is
used in Effective date.
What is ordering key?
The following way we have to arrange the fields
1. Field with primary key and search box.
2. Field with primary key
3. Field with duplicate order key.
Define Scroll? How many types of scrolls are there?
A Scroll is used to enter multiple rows and retrieve multiple row data. There are two types of scrolls:
1. Nested scrolls – For each repeating data and for each entry with other set of repeating set of data is called a nested scroll. Maximum 3 nested levels are allowed. The nested scrolls share same high-level keys.
2. Independent scrolls – At each scroll level a maximum of 15 screen be included.
4. Define Occurs Level?
Occurs level specifies the level of a scroll bar relative to any other scroll bars on a panel. The following are the occurs level at each nested scroll bar.
The primary scroll bar in a set of nested scroll bars has an occur level 1 A Secondary scroll bar has an occurs level of 2, which means it is subordinate to scroll bar 1.The third scroll bar has an occurs level of 3, which means it is subordinate to scroll bar 2.
5. What are the types of controls that can be placed on the panel?
There are three types of controls:
1. Aesthetic Control: It is used to organize the information on the panel and it is not associated with the database. There are 4 types of aesthetic contents. A) Text B)Frame C) Group box D) Static image.
2. Data entry control: It is used to offer different way to enter and maintain the information. There are 7 types of Data entry controls. A) Edit box B) Drop down list box C) Long edit box D) Check box E) Radio button F) Sub-panel image.
3. Function and data processing control: It adds command and maintains level of information on the command. There are 6 types of data processing controls
A) Command push button B) Process push button C) Secondary panel D)Scroll bar E) Grid control F) Tree.
Define Sub-panel and Secondary panel?
Sub-panel : It is a predefined, preside group control, which will appear in more than one panel. (Utility: if you have group of controls, such as address coasts, which you use on multiple panel definition, you can save those panel control groups on sub- panel)
Secondary Panel: An invisible control that associates a secondary panel with a primary panel. (Utility: Secondary panels are used to gather or display supplemental information related to the object that appears in a primary panel)
Explain about display control field and related display control field?
Display control field: It is controlling the field in some other record.
Related control field: display control field controls it.
What is panel group? Explain in brief about panel group?
Panel group is the bridge between panel and menu. A panel group is a set of panels
That should be processed as if it is one panel. The panel group represents a complete business transaction because all the Information goes together. The group must be stored in the database as a single Unit of work. At runtime, we are opening and saving panel group not individual Panels.
Define a Menu? How many types of Menus exist?
Menus are used to navigate the application (Menu is a window to the application)
There are two types of menus:
1. Standard menu: It appears in the menu bar of a Peoplesoft application.
2. Popup menu: Allows the user to navigate related information in other areas of application by right clicking on a panel or panel control.
How many types of securities are available in People soft?
There are 6 types of securities:
1. RDBMS Security 2. Network security 3.Operator security 4. Object security 5.Tree level security 6. Query security (row level security)
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