CICS Interview Questions and Answers.
Short Answers to frequently asked CICs Interview Questions.
Answer : The map copybook (Symbolic Map) and the load module (Physical map) are generated.
What is the field with IC in the BMS map.
Answer : By using CURSOR(n m)
How will you place the cursor on a particular position on the screen in CICS?
Answer : Move -1 to the length attribute of the field and use the CURSOR option.
Differentiate between physical map and symbolic map?
Answer : The physical map is the load module and the symbolic map is the data structure.
How can you protect a field from being overlaid?
Answer : You need to defines the display/transmission of field. most cases is an output field from the program.
How can you use extended attributes in CICS ?
Answer : By using Define EXTATT=YES and the correct terminal type.
Name the three working storage fields used for every field on the map?
Answer : Length, attribute and input/output field.
Define MDT? What are FSET and FRSET ?
Answer : MDT means Modified Data Tag.
Bit in the attribute byte indicating modification of field on screen. Happens on an input operation.
FSET. Sets MDT on to ensure field is transmitted. Happens on an output operation.
FRSET. Resets MDT. Until this happens, field continues to be sent.
Why do we use DSECT parameter in BMS?
Answer : It is the parameter to generate a symbolic map.
How can you receive the attribute byte in the symbolic map?
Answer : On EOF yes.
How to make your BMS maps case sensitive in CICS?
Answer : By using ASIS
When a PF key is pressed, what will be the effect on RECEIVE MAP ?
Answer : Data transmission may happen,
PA key is pressed? Data transmission will not happen.
Differentiate between a PA key and a PF key.
Answer : PF keys wake up the task and transmit modified data, PA keys only wake up the task.
List the macros used to define the following:
Can multiple maps be defined in a BMS mapset?
Answer : Yes, we can define.
How can you determine storage in a symbolic map, if you have multiple maps?
Answer : Storage for maps redefine the first. This means largest map has to be the first.
What is meant by BMS length of field = 0?
Answer : Data was not entered in the field
Can you simply check if length = 0 for checking if a field was modified?
Answer : No, not if ERASE EOF was used.
What will you do if you do not want characters entered by the user to be folded to uppercase ?
Answer : Use ASIS option on RECEIVE.
Can you tell me what does the BUFFER option in RECEIVE mean ?
Answer : Brings the entire datastream from the terminal buffer.
List the steps you go through to a create a BMS executable?
Answer : Assemble to create CSECT and Link
When compiling a CICS program, the (pre)compiler puts an extra chunk of code. Where does it get included and that is it called? What is its length?
Name all the CICS tables.
For a CICS program, what tables should you setup to run this program?
Answer : PPT, PCT, (FCT, DCT, RCT (if needed)).
What is the content of the PPT entry in CICS?
Answer : Length, Source, Use count, Lang, Res count DFHRPL number
For a CICS-DB2 program, how is the plan referenced?
Answer : By using a RCT table.
Can you tell me how is dynamic memory allocated within a CICS application program?
Answer : By using a GETMAIN
What is the use of a TDQ and TSQ in CICS?
Answer : They are used as Temporary data stores.
How can you read from a TSQ?
Answer : Temp storage read command.
If you create a TSQ from one transaction, can you read it from another transaction?
Answer : Yes we can read it as long as they run in the same region.
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