CICS Technical Interview Questions, Answers and FAQs.
Short Answers to frequently asked CICs Interview Questions.
How will you fire a batch job from a CICS txn?Answer : Define an extrapartition TDQ as an internal reader and write the JCL to it. Terminate the JCL with /*EOF.
What do you mean by ATI? What kind of TDQ can be used?
Answer : Automatic Task Initiation. Intra partition TDQ.
Is there a requirement for a table entry for a TSQ?
Answer : If recovery is needed.
What do you mean by trigger level in the context of TDQs?
Answer : For intrapartition TDQs specify the # records at which ATI happens. not applicable for extra partition TDQs.
Is there any entry for TSQs in CICS tables?
Answer : Yes in the DFHTST.
What is the use of DCT in CICS?
Answer : Destination Control Table is used to define TDQs.
What is ENQ and DEQ ?
Answer : ENQ and DEQ are nothing but Task control commands to make resources serially reusable.
Is SQL COMMIT permitted in a CICS program?
Answer : Yes, SQL COMMIT is permitted.
What is the alternate way of terminating a transaction in CICS?
Answer : Alternate way- use EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT. We have to assume it is a LUW. This will not end the Xn.
What do you mean by ASRA abend ?
Answer : Any data exception problem SOC7, SOC4, etc.
What do you mean by an AEY9 abend ?
Answer : It signifies that DB2/IDMS is not up.
Under what situations NEWCOPY is required ?
Answer : NEWCOPY is used when a program has been used in CICS at least once and then changed and recompiled.
Can you name some important fields in the EIB block in CICS?
Is the use of DYNAMIC calls permitted in CICS ?
Answer : Yes, the called routine must be defined in PPT and the calling program must use CALL identifier..
How can you handle errors in CICS programs ?
Answer : Check EIBRESP after the call or use the HANDLE condition.
How can you execute a background CICS txn ?
Answer : With a START or ATI, we can execute a background CICS txn.
Explain what is the difference between START and XCTL in CICS?
Answer : START is used to start a new task. It is a interval control command. XCTL is used to pass control to a program within the same task. It is a program control command.
What is the use of language in the PPT entry in CICS?
Answer : Language interface and call parameters.
Is CICS code allowed in a copybook? If yes, what will happen during compilation?
Answer : Yes, it is allowed. It needs to be pre-processed.
How will you resolve an ASRA abend in CICS?
Answer : In COBOL II start with CEBR, and get the offset/instruction.
In CICS, when you do a START, what will the value of EIBCALEN?
Answer : The value of EIBCALEN is zero.
Explain in brief how are VSAM files Read in a CICS program?
Answer : By using File Control Commands like Random, Sequential, forward and backward.
How can you access a VSAM file using an alternate index in CICS?
Answer : We can access it through the path. Define path as an FCT and use normal File control commands.
Explain in brief how do you rollback data written to an ESDS file?
Answer : Define the file as recoverable. in cases where records have been inserted into the file, you may need to run a batch program to logically delete the inserted records.
Is accessing of QSAM (seq ) files allowed from CICS ?
Answer : No, it is not allowed.
Is accessing of ESDS files allowed from CICS ?
Answer : Yes, we can access.
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