Interview Questions and Answers on Siebel,FAQs on Siebel Configurations

8/27/2009 No Comment

Comprehensive Collection of Interview Tutorials on Siebel Configuration.

1.) What is the difference between GET and CHECK OUT?Get: Just gets a read only copy of a project. Check out: takes a read/write copy from theserver and locks it both on the server and locally so that only you can work on it.

2.) What is the difference between Check In/Check Out and locking?Check In/Check Out allows changes to returned to the server, locking only allows you to make a change that is all….

3.) What is PAR_ROW_ID?It is a FK and it stores the PK of the main table.

4.)What three fields must have a value when creating a new record in a 1:M extension table?PAR_ROW_ID - stores PK of main table, TYPE - stored 1:M type, NAME - stores 1:M name.

5.)Name three advantages of an MVG1) Takes up less room on the view, 2) Allows multiple child records to be available in a single view, 3) Allows users to see child records for multiple parent records, 4) Allows for query criteria to include values for fields in the parent/child BC.

6.)What are MVFs, MVGs, and MVLs?Multi Value Fields allow master-detail or parent-child information to be displayed in one applet. Multi Value Group applets allow for the popup display of detail or child records on demand. Multi Value Links leverage Links to support MVFs.

7.)How do you run EIM?Create a task, set the parameters and then start the task.

8.)Name the 4 types of Assignees for Assignment rulesAll, above minimum: All, must assign: One, Best fit: One, Random.

9.) Name the 3 inclusion methodsInclude, Include all and Exclude

10.)What is Assignment Manger?This allows organization to define rules that automatically assign data ownership to the most qualified people

11.) What are the three basic elements of the Assignment manager?1) Candidates: the people/positions to be evaluated as assignees. 2) Assignment Objects: the entity (e.g. Account). 3) Assignment rules: the criteria

12.) What kinds of information is contained in the .cfg file?Siebel application to run,
Data sources available to application,
Repository file to use,
Application title to display in splash screen,
Application title to display in application window contains initialization settings for the application engine such as - Gateway Server, Enterprise Server, Application info, server parameters, srf file, database sources, etc.

13.) Are joined fields “updateable”?No, they are READ-ONLY. In order for data to be manipulated (insert/delete/update), it must appear in an applet in which the fields (to which the controls are mapped) are single-value fields mapped to columns of the BC’s base or main table.

14.) How will you edit the joined fields values in join?1.Using picklists and MVGs. MVGs require join field and link as prerequisites unlike picklists where just a join is enough.
2. Configure picklist to edit value in joined field.

15.)What is the .srf file?A file that contains object definitions in a compressed, binary format, Stored in the
…\Objects folder, Read at runtime, Siebel reads the file on demand as different parts of the application are executed, once read from the file, it is kept in memory.
File that contains application configuration - UI objects specifying the data presentation, business objects specifying business logic, data objects specifying the data organization & storage
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