JCL Exception Handling Interview Questions and Answers

9/01/2009 No Comment

JCL Exception Handling Interview Question Answers and JCL FAQs.

What is an Operation Exception error?
Answer : An Operation exception error indicates that an operation code is not assigned or the assigned operations not available on a particular computer model. The machine does not recognize the instruction or operation used. A possible reasons a subscript error. This error could also be caused by an attempt to read a file that was not opened, a misspelled DD statement. The system completion code is 0C1.

What is a Protection exception error?

Answer : A protection exception error occurs when the program is attempting to access a memory address that is not within the memory area that the program is authorized to use. Some of the causes may be a subscript or index that is not initialized or has taken on a value outside the bounds of the table with which it is associated, an attempt to read an open end file, or an incorrect or missing DD statement. The System completion code is 0C4.

What is an addressing exception error?

Answer : An addressing exception error occurs when a program is attempting to access a memory location, which is outside the bounds of a available real storage on the machine.
This can be caused by a dataset not being open end at the time an I/O was directed to it, an attempt to close a dataset a second time, incorrectly called module parameters or coding, improper exit from a performed paragraph, or uninitialized subscript or index. The system completion code is 0C5.

What is a data exception?
Answer : A data exception error indicates an attempt to perform an arithmetic operation on non-numeric data. It can also occur from incorrect input data to a program that is not performing sufficient numeric testing on it before attempting arithmetic. The system completion code is 0C7.

What return code is issued when a operator cancels a job?

Answer : There are two return codes, which can be produced when the operator cancels a job. They are 122 and 222. A 122 indicates the operator cancelled the job and requested a dump. A222 indicates the operator has cancelled the job and has not requested a dump.
It is important to ask the operator why the job was canceled. Some of the reasons this may occur are: the program appeared to be stalled in a wait state; or the program was in an apparent loop.

What return code is issued if a job step exceeded the time limit?
Answer : The system will issue a system code of 322 when a job or job step has exceeded the time limit .If the time parameter was used on the JOB or EXEC statement. If the time parameter was not used, then it is important to check the program possible errors.

When the system cannot find enough virtual storage, which system abend is issued?

Answer : When the system cannot find enough virtual storage during a GETMAIN macro instruction, it generates a system abend of 804 or 80A. Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the storage request. If the REGION parameter has been used, either on the JOB or EXEC statement, it may need to be increased to satisfy the request.

Which system completion code is issued when a program module cannot be found?

Answer : A system completion code of 806 will be issued when a program module cannot be found. Some of the causes may be missing the STEPLIB statement from the step or missing the JOBLIB statement from the job stream. Most likely the program name was misspelled on the EXEC statement or in a source code CALL.

What are some of the abend generated when not enough disk space is available and what do they mean?

Answer : Some of the abend generated due to a lack of available disk space are:
  • B37 -- Disk volume out of space, cannot write output. The system gave all the primary space and as much secondary space as it could.
  • D37 -- Primary disk space was exceeded and either no secondary space allocation was specified or it was insufficient. One should increase the primary space as well as provide adequate secondary allocation was specified or it was insufficient. One should increase the primary space as well as provide adequate secondary space allocation to eliminate this error.
  • E37 -- There was insufficient space on the volume. One way to solve this problem is to specify more volumes on the JCL.
Which abend is issued when the system cannot find a member on a portioned dataset?
Answer : An S013-18 abend occurs when the specified member on the JCL, is not found on the indicated PDS (Partioned Dataset). Determine if the member is spelled correctly on your JCL. If it is not, then fix member name and resubmit job. If it is correct, then determine why it is not on the PDS, take the necessary steps to place it on the PDS, and resubmit the job.

What normally causes an S013-20 abend?

Answer : An S013-20 is normally caused by the block size not being a multiple of the record length or being incorrect for variable-length records. Divide your BLKSIZE by the record length to make sure it is a multiple of the BLKSIZE if not, correct it and resubmit job. For variable-length records, it is necessary to have your BLKSIZE be at least 4 bytes greater than your record length.

What can be done to eliminate a ‘NOT CATLG 2’ for a particular dataset? 

Answer : To eliminate a ‘NOT CATLG 2’ message, one may take one of the following options.
Add a step to the beginning of the JOB, which creates the dataset to first purge the dataset. One may to use utility IEFBR14 to perform this task.
Setup a job to purge the dataset and run it before the job which creates it purges the dataset before running the job, which creates it.

If a job step is in a wait state for 30 minutes or more with no activity, which abend does one receive?

Answer : If a job step is in a wait for 30 minutes or more with no activity, the job abend with an s522 indicating the time was exceeded for the wait state. This type of cancellation is unusual and is often caused by a program error or unavailable datasets / resources.

A system completion code of 813-04 is generated when a dataset name and volume serial number for a tape is not consistent with the information contained in the tape dataset label. What can be done to fix this problem?

Answer : When a system completion code of 813-04 is received, one must check the spelling of the dataset name in the JCL and the volume serial number specified. If possible, dump the dataset label to see the actual dataset name on the tape. Once the problem has been identified, correct it and resubmit the job.

How does one fix a ‘PROCEDURE NOT FOUND ‘ ERROR?

Answer : If one receives a ‘procedure not found’ message, it indicates that it could not find the procedure on the procedure library specified on the JCL. Check the spelling of the procedure library specified on the JCL. Check the spelling of the procedure name on the EXEC statement to make sure it is correct .if it is not correct, fix it and resubmit the job. If the JCL is correct, then check to make sure the procedure has been cataloged into the procedure library. If not, have it cataloged and resubmit the job.
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