1. Given a view how to determine business components, Choose 2
c. Business Objects references in Tools
d. Using Screen, ScreenViews
2. Which is NOT TRUE for <>
a. HintText=Applet
b. It is only used for Applet Template
c. It is only used for View Template
d. Acts as a place holder for an applet
3. How to install and verify Gateway Server, Choose 2
a. Follow the installation steps
b. Install through server manager utility
c. Check if siebel gateway windows service is up and running
d. Check SESsetup.log file
4. How to install SWSE, Choose 2
a. Start the required windows service
b. Invoke Install from eappweb
c. Install Web server
d. Shutdown and restart the siebel server
5. Steps for Internal Authentication, Choose 3
a. Start the workflow for user registration
b. Create Employee, Position, Responsibilities using Siebel client
c. Set-up the external directory
d. Use the user and account information provided by Authentication service
e. DBA, give proper grants to user
f. DBA, Create database Login
6. Use of grantusr.sql
a. To create Siebel grants
b. To create database user (SADMIN)
c. To install Siebel applications
d. Trigger file
7. Which of the following is TRUE if a user has different set of Responsibilities
a. User can log on with the primary responsibility
b. User sees the Union of all responsibilities
c. User can see only one set of Views
8. Data access control is based on, Choose 3
a. User ID
b. Position
c. Organization
d. Responsibilities
9. If you don’t know the object type and the parent for the object definition how do you find in Siebel Tools
a. Use Type Tab
b. Use Detail Tab
c. Use Flat Tab
d. Use Search Repository option
10. Where do you see Parent/Child relation for the object definitions
a. Use Type Tab
b. Use Detail Tab
c. Use Flat Tab
d. All of Above
11. Best practice for modifying Business Component
a. Unused columns should not be deleted
b. Use Upgrade ancestor for future upgrades
c. Use specialized business components as templates
d. Modify an existing Business component to suite your requirement
12. When does Transaction Merger populate the conflict ID with a non-zero value
a. Update Record
b. Duplicate Record
c. Delete Record
d. Query Record
13. For proper working of Mobile Client
a. Use Transaction Docking = FALSE
b. Use Transaction Docking = TRUE
c. Use EXEC = TRUE
14. Generate New Database component does what
a. Create a new database
b. Create a Template for current Database Schema
c. Import Repository
d. Migrate Repository
15. Transaction Processor uses S_DOCK_TXN_LOG to create
a. DOKING\USER directories
b. TXNPROC directory
c. To Synchronize remote client
d. To create compressed files for individual users
16. What are the following TRUE about a Join, Choose 2
a. Using Join one can achieve M:M relationship
b. Explicit Join Fields are read-only
c. Explicit joins need to be created in Tools
d. Joins are between two applets
17. From service request if you drilldown to Employee what is NOT TRUE
a. Source Id is set to Employee
b. Destination ID is set to ROW_ID
c. Business Component is set to Employee
d. View field of the drilldown contains Employee View Name
18. S_PARTY_PER stores relations for, Choose 3
a. Employee & Position
b. User List & Users
c. Access Group & Members
d. Person & Employee
19. Which of the following are true for Template Files
a. Style sheet cannot be modified by the customer
b. Style sheet can be modified by the customer
c. Style sheets are stored in database
d. Style sheets have extension of .swt
20. Using .ifb files we can do, Choose 2
a. Import archive
b. Specify an EIM Table
c. Do an Import, Delete, Merge and Export
d. Render UI Layer
21. Back up local remote repository, Choose 3
a. Add to Archive
b. Check-out from the server
c. Backup complete database file (use Copy/Paste)
d. Check-In to Server
22. If you lock project locally which is NOT TRUE then, Choose 2
a. You cannot check-in to the server
b. You can check-in to the server
c. You cannot undo your changes
d. You can use Tools->Unlock to unlock project
23. Mobile web client will use the following, Choose 3
a. Local Object Manager
b. Local Data Manager
c. Local SWE
d. Siebel Server
24. Initialization Parameter for the application engine
a. Configuration File ( .cfg )
b. Siebel Repository
c. Server Manager Task
d. File System Manager
25. For displaying application name (Splash Text ) from “Call Center” to “ABC Call center” change
a. Application Name
b. Application Title
c. Application SplashText
d. Application Text
26. Which is NOT TRUE to scroll vertically in List Applet record
a. Use <> Navigation button
b. Use Menu Button First Record
c. Use Menu Button Last Record
d. Use Vertical Scroll Bar
27. How do you register views
a. Application Administration->Responsibilities
b. Application Administration-> Views
c. Application Administration-> Utilities->Responsibilities
d. Application Administration-> Utilities->Views
28. How do you populate List of Values, Choose 2
a. Using Siebel Tools
b. Batch Load
c. Application Administration->List of Values
d. System Preferences->List of Values
29. How do you navigate through Screens, Choose 2
a. Application Administration-> Screens
b. Screen Tabs
c. View Tabs
d. View Site-Map
30. Advantage of frequent Synchronization, Choose 3
a. Reduces number of modem connectivities
b. Easy Recovery
c. Saves Disk Space
d. Use less Synchronization session time
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