Siebel Admin Certification MCQs and Answers

8/20/2009 No Comment

Siebel Admin Certification MCQs and Answers.

1. Which of the following describes Siebel’s solution for providing access to Siebel data while working remotely?1) Siebel Remote enables users to access Siebel data on the web when away from the office
2) Siebel Remote enables users to access Siebel data on a local database while disconnected from the server; periodically synchronizes local data to a central database
3) Siebel Remote enables users to load a read-only copy of the central database each day; when updates to data are required the user must be connected to the central database
Answer: 2

2. Which of the following is NOT True of tracking changes to data on a database server?1) Changes are tracked at a field level and stored in a master transaction table (S_DOCK_TXN_LOG)
2) Both before and after images of data are stored
3) Contents of the log can be changed if required to synchronize the data
4) Setting Docking: Transaction Logging property to TRUE allows tracking of changes

Answer: 3 -- The contents or structure of the log should never be directly modified
3. Which of the following does NOT happen when a Transaction Processor server task is run?1) Changes are extracted from log table and stored in TXNPROC directory on Siebel Server
2) Data is stored in compressed, sequentially numbered transaction files (.dx)
3) Transaction files are labeled according to mobile client to which they belong
4) Log table is purged once transactions are routed to all Siebel Servers
Answer: 3

4. Which of the following does NOT happen when a Transaction Router server task is run?
1) Changes are extracted from TXNPROC directory and stored in mobile client’s inbox on the server
2) Data is stored in compressed, sequentially numbered transaction files (.dx)
3) Rules are inspected to determine which data is extracted for each mobile client
4) Extracts data for a particular mobile client user
Answer: 1 -- data is stored in mobile client’s outbox

5. Which of the following is NOT True regarding Synchronization?
1) Compressed files are transferred between the server and the mobile client
2) Synchronization is initiated by the mobile client
3) Synchronization Manager must be running on the Siebel Server
4) Load balancing is initiated automatically
Answer: 4 -- There is no load balancing; the mobile client inbox and outbox resides on a designated Siebel Server which is defined during the initial Database Extract

6. (T/F) File system documents/attachments on the server are automatically sent to remote client during synchronization.
Correct Answer: F - a reference to the attachment is sent to the remote client and, if requested, will be transferred during next synchronization

7. Which of the following does NOT happen when a Transaction Merger server task is run?1) Changes are applied to the server database
2) Changes are applied to the local database
3) Processes inboxes in the order mobile clients synchronize
4) Occurs after the mobile client disconnects
Answer: 2

8. (T/F) Multiple Transaction Router and Transaction Merger tasks can be run per Siebel Server, but only one Transaction Processor task should be run per Siebel Server.
Correct Answer: T

9. (T/F) Siebel Remote applies changes to the local database; manages and purges local transaction log file; requires network connection.

Correct Answer: F -- a network connection is not required

10. Which of the following is NOT a step in the First Time Setup of a Mobile Client?1) Enable transaction logging (Application Administration > System Preferences)
2) Register user as Siebel mobile client (Siebel Remote Administration > Mobile Clients)
3) Load Synchronization manager on client machine (Run Load Synch Manager task)
4) Create schema for local database (Run Generate New Database task)
5) Create initial subset of data (Run Database Extract task)
6) Initialize local database (invoked by client)
Answer: 3

11. (T/F)The local database must be the same as the server database.
Correct Answer: F
-- the server and local database do not have to be the same

12. Which of the following is NOT a consideration in establishing routing rules for mobile clients?1) Team and personal ownership
2) Distance from central database
3) Management hierarchy
4) Reporting relationships
Answer: 2

13. (T/F) When transaction logging is turned off, i.e., for EIM imports, a database extract will need to be performed for all mobile clients once transaction logging is turned back on.
Correct Answer: T
14. Certain views, e.g. ‘All’, sys admin, should be disabled to mobile clients. Select the reason this should be done from the choices below:1) Mobile clients don’t usually have jobs that require access to these views
2) These views don’t look the same once transferred to a mobile client
3) Mobile clients are provided with a subset of data that may not support these views
Answer: 3
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