Siebel CRM Quiz :Part 1

8/16/2009 No Comment

Siebel CRM Quiz and MCQs.

1. Valid reasons for copying a BC are :A) To include it twice in a business object
B) To create a specialized copy with a different search specification or pre-defaulted field value.
C) To represent a new entity that does not already exist before.

2. Set the _____________ property when copying a BC to ensure that the copied BC is upgraded in the same way as the original BC.

3. Upgrade Ancestor property exists for which three of the following:
A) Reports
B) Applets
C) Views
D) Integration Objects
E) Screens

4. A BC is generally considered to be ___________ if it is based on a class other than CSSBusComp, CSSBCBase or their child or grandchild classes.
5. Specialized Bcs should be copied only when you wish to reproduce all the class behavior (T/F)

6. The ___________ BC is an example of a highly specialized BC that cannot be copied because the component name is coded directly into the class.

7. For which of the scenarios below would you create a new applet:
A) Display data for a new BC
B) New Title or caption on the applet
C) Create read-only copy of the applet
D) Add the applet to the toggle cycle
E) Add / delete few fields
F) Make large number of changes

8. Siebel recommends that a View be associated with multiple screens. (T/F)

9.You should add a new screen whenever you create a new BO (T/F)

10. Edit __________ to hide unnecessary views from screens or unnecessary screens from applications.

11. A recommended guideline is to clean up by deleting unused top-level object definitions. (T/F)

12. A recommended naming convention is to _____________ object definitions to prevent unexpected sorting in the OLE.

13. Some important performance optimizations guidelines regarding :

A) Multi-value groups in list applets is to use _________

B) sort and search specifiations is to avoid _________________

14. Siebel recommends Deign Reviews for which 3 of the following in the initial phase :A) Data Mapping
B) Database extensions
C) Configuration Design
D) Workflow Design

15. Configuration Reviews should be done at __________ and __________ phases.

Answer Key:
1. A and B (For C, you would create a new BC)
2. Upgrade Ancestor
3. A, B and D
4. Specialized
5. True
6. Calendar
7. A, C, D, F
8. False - Threads track prior view but not the screen... So only associate a view with a single screen (p 35.9).
9. True
10. Responsilities
11. False - NEVER do that.
12. Initial-capitalize
13 A. Primaries
13 B Sorting on un-indexed columns
14 A, B and C
15. Pilot and Rollout
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