1. What are the new features available in Siebel 7.7 (Choose Two)
a. Uses IE back button to navigate previous pages
b. Uses Siebel back button to navigate previous pages
c. Uses Siebel history to show the history
d. Uses IE history button to show the history
2. Where can you find the remaining views in the view tab?
a. Using the screen links
b. From the right arrow button shown in the extreme right corner of view tab
c. Using view links
d. From the drop down menu shown in the extreme right corner of view tab
3. Which EVT syntax creates the HTML output the computer screen (Click exhibit button)
a. evt.exe –r d:\siebel..\evt.ini –o html –t web d:\siebel\evt\1233.htm
b. evt.exe –r d:\siebel..\evt.ini –o html
c. evt.exe –r d:\siebel..\evt.ini –o htmlfile
d. evt.exe –r d:\siebel..\evt.ini –t web
4. You are upgrading a multilanguage deployment of Siebel applications to version 7.7. For languages other than the base language for this deployment, what do you need to import?
a. Symbolic Strings
b. Locale-specific objects
c. String tabl
d. Multiple .srf files
5. Which of the following describes the Network Image Creator?
A utility that helps to avoid media swapping when installing Siebel software on multiple machines
6. Which controls are applicable only in the shuttle applet, and should appear only there?
a. Delete and Query
b. Find and Starting with
c. Available and Selected
d. Add, Remove, and Remove All
7. What new or enhanced feature of Siebel Tools shows applets in both design and preview modes?
a. Entity Relationship Designer
b. Customizable Object Explorer
c. Screen View Sequence Editor
d. Grid Layout Editor
8. What object definition will you need to change to implement multi lingual?
a. Control object definition
b. Symbolic String object definition
c. Control Locale object definition
d. Symbolic String Locale object definition
9. If one of your server in the Enterprise is running, which status icon shows the server running in the Server Management-- > Task view
a. No status icon
b. Green
c. Red
d. Yellow
10. Which status icon shows Enterprise server running in the Server Management-- > Task view
e. No status icon
f. Green
g. Red
h. Yellow
11. How so you submit the job at repeated intervals (Only one)
a. Create job template
b. Create job template, set the repeating intervals
c. Create a new job and select job template and set the repeating intervals
d. You can’t set
12. What will be the new password when your DBA reset the Password? You enterprise server name is Siebel
a. Siebel
b. Siebel12
c. Siebel123
d. Password
13. You are connected to the enterprise server FIRSTUNIVERSAL Siebel server. Your DBA reset your mobile client password. What is your new mobile client password?
d. FIRST123
14. How does the remote admin set the mobile client Authentication?
a. Create user id and password
b. Set the Authentication credential other than none
c. Use local credentials
d. Use remember credentials
15. Which report shows the user sync info at the given period of time?
a. Synchronization Session Report
b. Synchronization Frequency Report
c. Synchronization session
d. Mobile User Status Report
16. Where can you specify the condition for a Decision Step (choose one)
a. Double-click the connector of the Decision step.
17. What happens when a rule group is not specified for an assignment rule?
a. Rules are always assigned to a rule group since this is a required field.
b. A rule cannot be released unless a rule group is specified.
c. Assignment rules are automatically assigned to a rule group based on the server key mapping.
d. Rules that are not specifically assigned to a rule group are assigned to the Default rule group.
18. How does rule sequencing improve performance?
Rule sequencing evaluates only as many rules as needed to ensure that the object is assigned.
19.All workflows can be paused or suspended by users at run time.
a. True
b. False
20. All running workflows are displayed in the Workflow Instance Admin view
a. True
b. False
21. While clicking the Deploy button, where will the workflow definitions are stored.
22. You are asked to create a workflow process that has user interact sessions. Which workflow mode did you use?
a. Service Flow
b. Long Running Flow
c. Interactive Flow
d. 7.0 Flow
23. Authentication for synchronization is performed via the Security Adapter
a. True
b. False
24. Which routing model allows the user to designate a record for synchronization?
a. Mobile Client – Standard
b. Mobile Client - Extract Only
c. Selective Retrieval
d. Executive Management
25. What values must be set to enable Time-Based Filtering? (Choose two)
a. Dock Object
b. Cutoff Time
26. Which report shows the routing model, last extracted and last synchronized info.
a. Synchronization Frequency Report
b. Mobile User Status Report
c. Synchronization Session Report
d. Regional Node Support Report
27. TrickleSync frequency can be set to: (Choose two)
a. Weekly
b. System boot up
c. Monthly
d. Siebel Server restart
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