CICS Interview Questions.
Learn by sharing CICS Interview Questions asked in TCS,Wipro, Infosys and IBM.
Mainframe professionals are invited to share the answers in the comment section.
- Which is the option of the HANDLE AID command in CICS?
- Which CICS command must be issued by the application program?
- What table must be update when adding a new transaction and program?
- What is the importancee of RDO in CICS?
- What is the meaning of the ENQ and DEQ commands?
- Describe the function of DFHMDF BMS macro?
- Explain what is the difference between START and XCTL ?
- Differentiate between a physical BMS mapset and a logical BMS mapset ?
- What is the command that is used to delay the processing of a task for a specified time interval or until a specified time?
- What is the CICS command that gives the length of TWA area?
- What do you mean by a CICS task?
- Explain in brief what is difference between call and link ?
- Explain what is a logical message in CICS?
- What does it mean when EIBCALEN is equal to zeros?
- What are the two ways of breaking a CPU bound process to allow other task to gain access to CPU.
- What are the differences between DFHCOMMAREA and TSQ?
- What are the three working storage fields used for every field on the map in CICS?
- Name and explain some common CICS abend codes?
- In the CICS command level all the re-entrancy issues are handled by the System (True or False).?
- How would you release control of the record in a READ for UPDATE?
- How is the stopper byte different from an auto byte in CICS?
- How do you invoke other programs? What are the pros and cons of each method?
- How do you control cursor positioning in CICS?
- For multi-threading an application program need not be re-entrant(True or False).
- Explain how to handle exceptional conditions in CICS.
- Can you access QSAM (seq) files from CICS?
- Why must all CICS programs have a Linkage Section?
- Which is the program which determines whether a transaction should be restarted?
- Which CICS system program is responsible for handling automatic task initialization?
- What us the primary function of the Sign-on Table ?
- What is the size of commarea in CICS ?
- Explain what is the meaning of the SYNCPOINT command?
- What is the function of the CICS translator ?
- Explain what is the difference between the enter key, the PF keys and the PA keys
- Explain what is the command used for receiving a map from a terminal?
- What is the CICS Command that is used for reading a record from the TDQ?
- What is meant by program re-entrance in CICS?
- What is effect on RECEIVE MAP when PF key is pressed and also when PA key is pressed?
- Explain what is ASRAABEND in CICS?
- What do you mean by Logical Unit of Work (LUW) ?
- What does Pseudo Conversational mean in CICS?
- What are the various types of accesses that can be allowed by the SERVREQ option of the DFHFCT
- Differentiate between Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ) and Transient Data Quene (TDQ)?
- What are the attribute values of Skipper and Stopper fields in CICS?
- The process of writing its own type of journal records by the application program
- Name some command used for CICS file browsing in CICS
- In which CICS table would you specify the length of the TASK WORK AREA (TWA)?
- Explain how would you resolve an ASRA abend?
- How is the storage determined in the symbolic map, if you have multiple maps ?
- Explain how do you make your BMS maps case sensitive
- How do you define Task Work Area in CICS?
- How and where is the TWA size set in CICS?
- Can you define multiple maps in a BMS mapset?
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