BO Basics Interview Questions and Answers

2/02/2010 No Comment

BO Basics Interview Questions and Answers. 

The interview questions below are entry level programmers.

Explain in brief what is Business Objects?
Answer : BUSINESSOBJECTS is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution that allows to access the data in your corporate databases directly from your desktop and present and analyze this information in a BUSINESSOBJECTS document.

What is new in Business Objects 5.1?

Answer : Some of the new features in Business Objects 5.1 are cited below.
1. Save as PDF
2. Add Hyperlinks to reports.
3. ZABO is available with BO 5.1.2
4. New Data Providers: VBA Servers, OLAP Servers, SAP
5. VBA
6. Report Manager
7. New Functions: Mode, Median
8. BCA (Earlier version it was Document Agent Server)

What are the major folders in BO and what they store?
Answer : LocData - Stores the Bomain.key, Bomain.lsi, pdac.lst, sdac.lsi, workgroup.lsi
Universe - Contains all the univ files
UserDoc - Contains all the user documents .udo, .lov
Templates - Contains all the template files Scripts

What are User Objects in BO? (Tools->Universes->Select Universe->User Object)
Answer : End users have the ability to create their own objects in BUSINESSOBJECTS from existing objects in a universe. They can be used only in the universe in which they were created.

The names of these files are comprised of the universe name and .udo extension.
Restrictions on User Objects:

User objects are not shared. Reports that include user objects can only be viewed by other end-users. This is because user objects are stored locally in a specific user object definition file.
If an end-user tries to refresh or edit a query that contains another user’s user objects, the user objects are automatically removed from the query and report.

Explain how can an end-user share user objects with other users?

Answer : If an end-user wants to share user objects with other users, the universe designer should include these user objects in the related universe in order to make them available to all BO end-users. The universe designer includes the file UNIVERSE_NAME.UDO in the universes where the user objects are to be used.

Explain what is List of Values in BO?

Answer : A list of values is a file that contains the data values associated with an object.
A list of values contains the data values associated with an object. These data values can originate from a corporate database, or a flat file such as a text file or an Excel file. A list of values is created by a designer who can export it with a universe. A list of values is stored as a file with a .lov extension inside the UserDocs folder.

When you use or view a list of values on an object for the first time, BO creates a .lov file that contains the query definition and the values it returns. This can be modified either at the designer or at the user level.
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