Hyperion Essbase Interview Questions

3/10/2010 No Comment
Overview:Hyperion Interview Questions asked in top companies,Hyperion Data Warehousing Interview Questions,Hyperion Business Intelligence Interview Questions

What is the difference between ASO & BSO?

What is Incremental Dimensional Built and one time Dimension Built?

How do you calculate the Size of the datablock?

What is intelligent calculation?

What are the different types of LOG Files?

What is the Extension of Cal Scripts and Rule File?

What is an hour glass modle?

Types of Build Methods?

What is Two Pass Calculation?

What is TB First and TB Last?

How do you calculate the Size of the datablock?

How many data blocks are there in your cube?

What is meant by Descendents and can you give me the best example to describe it?

How do you do the Data Load?

Why are Filters used?

What are dense and sparse dimensions?

What are Filters?

What are Attributes?

What are the Different Types of Attributes?

What is Substitution Variable?

How is Data Stored in Essbase?

Where is IS Member Command used?

What is the difference between FIX and If Command?

What is intelligent Calcuation?

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