Ab Initio Questions and Answers

4/13/2010 No Comment

Ab Initio Question and Answers on Best Practices.

Best Practices and Guidelines to be followed in projects.

What are the best practices to be followed in Ab Initio when doing Check-In and Check-Out?
Answer : The best practices for Ab Initiio Check-In and Check-Out are cited below.
  • Before you proceed with  “Checking In” any graphs, please ensure that it has been deployed successfully.
  • The Abinitio Sand Box for all authorized users of the software should be created only by the ETL/Ab Initio Administrator.
  • In order to obtain the latest version of the graph “Check Out” from EME Data store.
  • Before “Checking In” you have to inform the ETL/Ab Initio Administrator about it.
  • Before you run a graph “Check Out” from EME Data store to your individual sand box. There may be cases when the graph is not present in the EME Data store “Check In” and then go ahead and run it.
  • Before you create graphs on the server, please ensure that the User-ID, Password in the EME Settings as well as the Run Settings are the same to avoid any conflicts.
  • Before you modify a graph please make sure that it is locked to avoid any sharing conflicts. When you lock a graph you prevent other users modifying it simultaneously. It is advisable that individual graphs are handled by separate users.
  • Before you proceed on to modify any table in the target database inform the concerned DBA and get the approval.
  • It is advisable not to create any table in the target database. There may be cases where it may be required, ask the DBA to handle it.
  • Anything related to database and problems should be reported to the concerned DBA immediately without fail.
  • It is advisable not change any of the environment variables. As these environment variables are global to all graphs they should not be modified. Only the ETL Admin has rights to set or modify the environment variables according to requirements.
What are some of the best practices for Ab Initiio project implementation?
Answer : The best practices for Ab Initiio project implementation are cited below.
  • When  you run a graph, you may encounter different errors. As such, make sure that you maintain error logs for every error you come across during the running of as graph. A consolidated, detailed error sheet should be maintained containing error related and resolution information of all users which can be used for reference when facing similar errors later on. 
  • Make sure that you are using the relevant dbc file in all your graphs.
  • Before you run a graph check whether the test parameters defined are valid or not.
  • When you encounter a database error, contact the DBA immediately.
  • Ensure that you always validate a graph before executing it and make sure that it validates successfully. Deploy the graph only after successful validation.
  • The script ab_project_setup.ksh should be executed on regular basis. Contact ETL Administrator to get more details.
  • After you implement the desired modifications save and unlock the graph.
Describe the DML & XFR Usage best practices
Answer : The best practices for  DML & XFR Usage are cited below.
  • Ensure that you do not embed the DML if it belongs to a landed file or if it is to be reused in another graph. You need to create DML files and specify as path.
  • Make sure that you do not embed the XFR if it is going to be re-used in another graph. Create XFR files and specify as path.
What are the best Documentation practices followed in Ab Initio?
Answer : The best practices for Documentation are cited below.
  • Ensure that you maintain documents regarding all the change and modifications performed on existing graphs or scripts in your project, so that it can be referenced later on.
  • When you are testing any graph follow the testing rules as per the testing template provided. Ensure that you maintain documents for all testing activities performed.
  • Make sure that you maintain ETL design documents for all graphs that has been created or modified. The documents should be modified accordingly if any changes are performed on the existing graphs.
Explain what are the best practices to be followed for efficient usage of components in Ab Initio.
Answer : The best practices for efficient usage of components are cited below.
  • Try to reduce the size of the file, if the source file contains more data elements than what you need for down stream processing. Add a Reformat as your first component to eliminate any data elements that are not needed for down stream processing.
  • Apply any Rollup’s early in the flow as possible. This will reduce the number of records you will need to process early in the flow.
  • Ensure that you apply any filter criteria as early in the flow as possible. This will reduce the number of records you will need to process early in the flow.
  • Try to separate out the functionality between components. If there is a need to perform a reformat and filter on some data, use a reformat component and a filter component. Do not perform Reformat and filter in the same component. 
  • Check all Ab Initio Interview Question and Answers Here
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