Can we create more than 2 dimensions using only one build rule file.
Ans: Yes, we can do that but it is recommended to use seperate rule file for each dimension.
What is UDA( user defined attributes). How are they different than Aliases.
Ans: UDA represents the class of the members. Aliases are just another names of the members. both are different and has different usage.
What is the Extension of Cal Scripts, Batch files, outline, and Rule File?
Ans: Rule file is .rul
Calc Script is - .csc
Batch files - .bat
outline - .otl
Why are Filters used?
Ans: If you want to grant access to all dimensions then you wouldn't use a filter. Just grant read access for the database to the user and/or group. The only reason you would use a filter is if you wanted to restrict access.
What are Dense and Sparse Dimensions?
Ans: Dense: A dimension which has the high probability that data exists for every combination of dimension members
Sparse: A dimension which has low probability that data exists for every combination of dimension members
Can we query a member for its UDA in a calculation script.
Ans: Yes. You can query a member for its UDA in a calculation script.
How does UDA's impact database size?
Ans: Absolutely no impact as UDA's do not require additional storage space.
How does Essbase recover from a database crash?
Ans: After a database crash or server interruption, Essbase automatically recovers a database after rolling back the transactions that were active at that time.
Can we build dimensions directly from data sources without using rule files.
Ans: No.
When do we generally use build rules files?
Ans: To automate the process of creating dimensions with thousands of members.
What are the three primary build methods for building dimensions?
Ans: 1. Generation references
2. level references
3. Parent-Child references.
What is the difference between ASO & BSO?
Ans: i. We cannot create more than 1 database in ASO, but we can create more than 1 db per application. If we have more dimensions (generally more than 10) then we will go for ASO
ii. we cannot write back in ASO, but we can write back in BSO.
iii. Most of the dimensions are sparse in ASO whereas in BSO most of them are dense.
How can we backup an aggregate storage database?
Ans: To back up an aggregate storage database, copy the application directory ARBORPATH/app/appname.
How can you make a Max L script run at a specified time?
Ans: MaxL scripts can be called from a BAT file which is used for scheduling.
I have created an application with one database in Essbase at test environment and now needs to copy the entire application with all security permissions to the production server which is not connected to the test server. How can I do that?
Ans: You can acheive this using migration wizard to migrate an application to a text file which you can take physically to the production server.
To know how you can do that, take a look at this post Essbase Application Migration.
In what case we can define generation 1 to a feild in generation build method.
Ans: We cannot define that as Generation 1 is not valid.
What is Incremental Dimensional Built and one time Dimension Built?
Ans: Incremental Dimensional Build: Builds and reads from different data sources for dimension builds and delay restructuring until all data sources have been processed.
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