Basic Siebel Interview Question and Answers

7/17/2012 No Comment

What is the difference between EIM and EAI?
EIM is the process of loading data into Siebel base table. EAI is the exchange of data between Siebel and external systems

What are user properties?
User properties are inbuilt scripts used to configure specialized behavior. This can be added as children to an applet, business component, business service, control, field, or list column

Give examples of commonly used BC level user properties?
On Field Update Set, On Field Update Invoke, BC Read Only Field, Parent Read Only Field, Field Read Only Field, Named Method.

How can you make a field conditionally required? By using Required (Field level) user property.
Create a calculated field ‘CALC’ that will have value Y if the conditions are met else N.
Create a Required user property. Name – Required, Value – CALC

What are the different types of Columns?
Data, Extension, System

How many type of siebel Data model extensions are there?
1:1, 1: M

What is the difference between Master- Detail view and MVG?
In master – detail view, we show master record in the top form applet and child records in the bottom list applet. Here the child data are fetched by the link between master and child bcs. In case of mvg, we embed child information in the master record itself. The user needs to invoke the mvg to see child details. Here the child data are fetched by mvl created in master bc.

What does position represents in Siebel?
It is a party bc. It drives the data visibility.

What happens if you create an employee in Siebel application and forget to create database login?
He will not be able to login into the application.

What is Virtual BC? What is the use of vbc?
When there is a requirement to display data from external system without storing the data in Siebel, we use VBC. VBC is not mapped to any table. It is based on CSSBCVExtern class. The data in VBC gets populated by business service. We create a bc user property to tie VBC with BS. Name – Service Name, Value – BS

What is constrained picklist? Where you will drop the constraints?
If the picklist value is based on a field, it is called constrained picklist. We do the constraining in the pickmap.

What is name server? What does it do?
Gateway server

How do you set up employees in Siebel?

What is Siebel Admin Mode View? How to Create this?
We can make an Admin View by setting Admin Mode Flag property of the view = true. In admin view, you can see all records
(Records without owner as well). User property does not work in Admin View.

If a view has Admin Mode Property = True, then what will happen to User Properties we write on them?
If Admin Mode = true, User property will not work

What is the function of SWSE on the Web Server? What is it?

Why do we use Symbolic Strings in Siebel 77?
It encapsulates a piece of text that can appear anywhere on the Siebel user interface. Any Siebel Object that has a translatable string property (such as the caption of a Control object) can obtain a desired string display value by establishing a reference to the appropriate Symbolic String object through its ”String Reference” property (for example, ”Caption – String Reference”). The actual string content for a Symbolic String is stored in one or more child Symbolic String Locale objects, each of which represents the value of the string in a different language. For example, the Symbolic String named ’SBL_ACCOUNTS-0910145428-0HN’ might have two Symbolic String Locale children, one containing the display value for English (’Account’) and one for German (’Kunde’).
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