Cannot connect to server error in Siebel CRM

8/16/2012 1 Comment

Siebel "Cannot connect to server" error.

Cause of error that occurs during initialization or synchronization.

[ERR33] ((2455) err=1801020 sys=0) NET-01020: Internal: unknown hostname

[ERR33] (dockact.cpp 10(2455) err=1700175 sys=0) DCK-00175: Cannot open connection to siebelsvr

[TRC33] 2000-10-27 10:26:23 End Connect to server DCK-00175: Cannot open connection to siebelsvr
As the error text suggests, there is some unexpected behavior with the connection, in this case the connection from the Siebel Remote client to the Siebel server.

If this error occurs, do the following:
1. Ping the server from the client machine by calling the following command from the MS DOS window of the client:

If it could not reach the server by name, please try the IP address. The expected result is that the ping is able to resolve the host name to an IP address and connect to the machine.
Post the results of this test to SupportWeb or perform the following via DOS prompt:

telnet 40400 
2. Before synchronizing again, refer to FAQ 1322: How to set client side logging?
To turn client side tracing first before submitting trace files to Siebel Technical Support. Send the sync thread trace file which is located in the ”log” directory of the client and is named syncthrd***.trc.

If the connection is established on the server then there may also be a sync manager trace file. This is named SynchMgr***.trc and is located in a subdirectory of the ”log” directory in the Siebel Server installation directory. Send all files to Siebel Technical Support via a service request.

3. Check the DockConnString
Check the parameter in the client CFG file and whether it is set to the host name of the Siebel Server that this client will use to synchronize. Send the client .cfg file also via the service request.
It is recommended to specify the DockConnString in the following format:

Siebel server machine name: network protocol: sync port #: server: encryption or simply Siebel server machine name, if you are using all default values including 40400 port number.

Remote users use the ”DockConnString” parameter in the .cfg file to synchronize to the server. Details regarding the syntax of the DockConnString parameter can be found in the Siebel System Administration Guide version This is under the section – ”Setting Siebel Remote Preference”. This is a common cause for the error, so check and make sure it is set correctly.

4. If Synchronization Manager component is not running: 
For version 5.x and higher check %Siebel_server%\log\SynchMgr* log file.
For version 4.x check %Siebel_server%\log\Synchsrvr* log file
If it is failing with ’Login Failed’ then verify if the correct username and password is used by the Synchronization Manager task when connecting to the database.

Note: This component was named ”Synchronization Server” in version 4.x. This should be the system administrator user (SADMIN) and not the table owning user (SIEBEL). The system administrator’s password in the database must match the password registered in the Gateway Server. Please note, that in version 4.x, it was called Name Server. If the SADMIN password has been changed in the database but not in the Gateway Server, users will not be able to login to the Server Manager views to register the new password.

However, the srvredit utility can be used to register the new password in the Gateway Server

v6.x srvredit -g -e -s -r $Server.Password=
v5.x: srvredit /g /s /r $Server.Password= /f /y
v4.x: srvredit /n /s /r $Server.Password= /f /y
v6.x: /g: specifies the host name of the machine running the gateway
v6.x: -e enterprise server name
v5.x: /g: specifies the host name of the machine running the gateway
v4.x: /n: specifies the host name of the machine running the name server
/s: specifies the Siebel Server Name
/f: forces the change into the gateway (name server), and
/y: causes the password to be encrypted.

Stop and restart the Siebel server service to bring the change into effect. If the password of the database account is unchanged, the password of the system administrator account can be changed via the Server Manager views. To change the password in the User Interface, launch the Siebel Client; go to the Server
Parameter view (Screens > Server Administration > Servers > Server Tasks).

The ”Password” parameter contains the encrypted password for SADMIN. To change it, enter the new password in clear text in the ”Current Value” field. The next time a query is done, it will show the encrypted password. It is not necessary to shutdown and re-start the Siebel Server.

5. On the command line, run ”netstat -a | more” or ”netstat -a > netstat.log” (without the quotes) and check if the machine is listening to the correct port (default is 40400).

Note: Execute this command from server machine.This test will perform a diagnostic on the Siebel server to verify conflicting port number usage. If more then one Siebel server is being used with the same port number it will error out. Each Siebel server must have an individual static port number.

The following are the steps to view the current sync manager port number:
Navigate to Screens > Server > Server Components in the bottom Assigned Components applet. Select the Synchronization Manager component to go to the Server Component screen; from the left view applet select Component Parameter view. In the bottom Component Parameter applet, go to the last parameter ”Static Port Number” on the column ”Value on Restart”.

The existing port is seen in use.
Modify the port number here. After changing it, step off the record to commit changes. After making the above changes, recycle the Siebel Gateway and Server. First shut down Siebel Server Services and after that shut down Siebel Gateway services, then first start Siebel Gateway Name Server followed by Siebel Server.

6. To test, copy a .cfg file from a user that is able to connect or synchronize into the client machine where the behavior is occurring and see if it is able to synchronize. Compare the two .cgf files for any noticeable differences.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the solution. It helped us



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