Siebel Administration Questions on Operations

8/24/2012 No Comment

Siebel Certification Questions on Siebel Administration

Dear readers. We have collected some important questions related to Siebel Administration and Operations Support. Please feel free to use the comment section for answers and discussion.

The third party load balancer supported by siebel for Http Load balancing
1. Cisco CSS and F5 Big-IP
2. Cisco Load balancing – RTR
3. Both
4. None

When siebel servers are installed Installation
1. Creates Enterprise Server
2. Creates Siebel Server
3. ODBC Data Source
4. All

Database users are created by running
1. Grantuser.sql
2. Createusers.sql and then grantuser.sql
3. Both 

EAI connectors are installed while installing
1. Siebel Servers
2. Webservers
3 All

The length of siebel server name should not be
1. > 12
2. <= 6
3. <= 6
4. No Restrictions

1. Default System Administrator login
2. Created when grantuser.sql is run
3. Corresponds to siebel employee created in the seed data
4. Can be changed
5. Create ODBC Data Source
6. All
7. 1, 2, 3 and 5

The SWSE installation installs
1. SWSE and CFG files
2. SWSE, Virtual Directories and CFG files
3. SWSE and Virtual Directories
4. None

Which one is true?
1. Single gateway server can support multiple Enterprise Server
2. Single gateway server can support only one Enterprise Server
3. Multiple Gateway servers can support One Enterprise Server
4. All

Once License keys are entered
1. It cannot be modified
2. It can be modified for any number of times
3. Can be modified with the help of Siebel Support
4. None

Verification tools for Environment
1. EVT – Environment Verification Test for server environment
2. Health – Check – Verification for High Interactivity environment
3. All
4. None

EVT cannot be installed as a stand alone from siebel media prior to siebel 7.7
1. Yes
2. No

EVT checks the following siebel products
1. Siebel gateway Name Server
2. Siebel Server
3. Siebel Web Server Extensions
4. All

EVT Checks the following third party products
1. OS
2. Environment variables
3. Web server
4. Database client
5. All
6. None

EVT uses a configuration file while running
1. EVT.cfg
2. EVT.ini
3. EVT .ora
4. All

To get a full set of switches evt command is
1. evt –h
2. evt -f
3. evt –g
4. evt –i

Health check runs on Web client to verify
1. Properly configured for HI
2. Siebel Application running on Internet Options, java Setting, Environment/Registry Settings
3. The values for check are Required, Recommended, Ignore
4. All

Health Check Uses
1. A separate configuration file
2. Uses the Configuration file of the Siebel Application
3. Uses the eapps.cfg
4. None

Health Check is enables in the
1. SWE section [SWE] EnableClientHealthCheck = True of Siebel Server
2. In the client Configuration file

Server Administration is done
1. through two screens
2. Command line interface
3. Both

Server Component is
1. A type of program that runs on the Siebel Server
2. eg: AOM,Server manager and Assignment Manager
3. None
4. 1 and 2
Notes: Task is an instance of a component

Which one is the invalid task state?
1. Running
2. Paused
3. Stopping
4. Completed
5. Online
6. Unavailable
7. Exited With Error
8. Killed
9. Stopped

Parameter hierarchy from high to low
1. Enterprise -> Server -> Component Defn -> Server Component -> Task
2. Enterprise -> Server -> Server Component -> Component Defn -> Task
3. Enterprise -> Server -> Server Component -> Task -> Component Defn
4. None

For Parameter State Like Dynamic
1.New values apply to subsequent started tasks unless values are overridden at a lower level
2.New values will not apply to subsequent tasks until siebel server systems services are stopped and restarted.

Parameter set at Higher level over rides parameter at lower level
1. False
2. True

1. Is a named subsystem
2. A logical collection of related parameters referenced by many server components.
3. Comes under Server Administration – Configuration
4. Values are stored in Siebel Gateway Name Server
5. All

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