Unknown database: 20101. Initialization Failed
Symptom or Error Message”Unknown database: 20101. Initialization Failed”. This ODBC error may occur while executing the config_dbsrvr Wizard causing install.ksh and imprep.ksh to fail.
CauseIncorrect environment settings for UNIX LANG or language collation settings installation. These differ for all languages, including the Western European group (ENU, FRA, ESN, DEU, etc.). For information on supported collation sequences, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms document on SupportWeb.
Diagnostic Steps
- Ensure the LANG parameter matches the installed database language.
- Check the Siebel Server locale setting.
- Run ${SiebSrvr_Root}\siebenv.sh. If errors are generated, the locale setting isn’t set properly. Setting the locale is described in the Server Installation Guide for your platform.
- Execute the Solaris command ”locale” to match the database.
The Local settings need to match the database settings
Error 5007 or GEN-05007
Symptom or Error Message”Error 5007” or ”GEN-05007” Unable to read the gateway server backing file, which normally occurs when running srvredit with incorrect parameters or when the Gateway can not be found.
Cause1. The Siebel Gateway is not specified correctly in the Registry.
2. When launching the application, the corresponding .cfg file does not display the Gateway connect string correctly.
Diagnostic Steps
1. Check the namesrvr.log files in the /Gtwy directory and the SWEapp logs.
2. Check whether the Server Admin screen can be accessed.
1. Ensure the proper Gateway and connect string parameters have been entered in the .cfg files.
2. Ensure the Enterprise is running on a supported platform as posted in System Requirements and Supported Platforms Guide document on SupportWeb.
[SWSE] Set Error Response; Session: Error: 00028573 Message: An internal error with the Connector DLL has occurred
Symptom or Error Message
1. [SWSE] Set Error Response (User: Session: Error: 00028573 Message: An internal error with the Connector DLL has occurred. Please ask your systems administrator to check your database connectivity settings.)
2. This error may occur when logging in from the client browser.
1. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set incorrectly in the odbc.ini file for UNIX. This is explained in Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX.
2. An incorrect or corrupt dll may cause this error on the server.
Diagnostic Steps
- Check SWEApp log files.
- Ensure all enterprise components are patched to the same Maintenance Release level.
- Ensure the RDBMS Environment variables are set correctly.
- Check the ODBC datasource.
1. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly.
2. Reinstall the dedicated client.
[SWSE] Set Error Response; User: Session: Error: 00028673 Message: You have entered an invalid set of logon parameters
Symptom or Error Message
[SWSE] Set Error Response (User: Session: Error: 00028673 Message: You have entered an invalid set of logon parameters. Please type in your logon parameters again.)
Cause1. The AnonUser password is not encrypted correctly. If encryption is turned off in the eapps.cfg but enabled on the corresponding Object Manager component on the SiebSrvr, a mismatch will occur.
2. With Siebel EAI, the error can occur if the ”SWEExtCmd=Execute” parameter is missing in the URL settings.
Diagnostic Steps
- Check the anonymous user and password in the eapps.cfg. These values are set in the [defaults] section and also under the specific application (i.e. [esales], [erm]) etc.
- If using LDAP, verify that the anonymous users are defined.
- Make sure that the User Id has a valid Position and Responsibility.
See diagnostics.
Siebel Server Communications Applet is required in order to run this application
Symptom or Error Message
1. The Siebel Server Communications applet is required in order to run this application. Please close the browser and login using a new browser window.
2. This Siebel applet is required in order to run the application. Please close the browser and login using a new browser window.
Cause- Users may have installed the Java Runtime Environment versions 1.3.1_01a or 1.3.1_02 plug-in which becomes the default JVM for both Internet Explorer and Netscape, although the Siebel Web Client is configured to use the native Microsoft Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
- Incorrect browser settings
- In Siebel version with the Siebel Option Pack For Internet Explorer (IEOP) enabled, users are prompted for the Siebel toolbar control at every login. Acceptance of the IEOP is mandatory. If the user declines the Siebel Toolbar download, the application login will not work and the error message above is produced.
- Incorrect Internet Explorer 6.0 security options which do not allow the JS and JAR files to be downloaded.
- Strong system security settings which do not allow users to install programs or write to certain parts of the Registry.
- Siebel application uses the XRPC file to run XML RPC commands as part of the startup routine. If another website or URL downloads this XRPC simultaneously, a conflict occurs.
- The SiebelJI_enu.jar and SiebelJI_Common.jar files are added to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
- Open Internet Explorer, select ”Internet Options…” from the ”Tools” menu. Click on the ”Advanced” tab. Scroll down the list, you will find a section labeled ”Java (Sun)” with the check box ”Use Java 2 v1.3.1_01 for (requires restart)” checked.
- Confirm that users have installed Siebel version with the Siebel Option Pack For Internet Explorer enabled.
- Confirm whether another site used downloads the XRPC file.
- Confirm that the SiebelJI_enu.jar and SiebelJI_Common.jar files are specified in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
1. To force the Siebel Web Client to use the native Microsoft JVM by default, do the following:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Select ”Internet Options…” from the ”Tools” menu.
- Click on the ”Advanced” tab.
- Scroll down the list to find the section labeled ”Java (Sun)”.
- Deselect the check box ”Use Java 2 v1.3.1_01 for.
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