Understanding Siebel Data Model: Party Business Components.
Siebel Party: Refers to instances of entities that have access to records.
S_PARTY is abstraction of the business components that own records
I.e. Groupings created for access to master data
Stores party name + party type
“ for S_ORG_EXT
Includes BCs that represent groupings of party instances
User List: groupings of Users
Access Group: grouping of Access Group Members
- Only non-person entities
Why? Allows Persons and/or Orgs to own data
Must import data in S_PARTY prior to loading into People or Org tables
Siebel Person related entities
Person = anyone associated with Siebel Application (record in S_CONTACT); E.g. Contact, Employee, User, Partner
- Contact Person = someone with Contact team
- User = Contact that can log in
- Employee is user with EMP_PER flag set in S_EMP_PER
- Many BCs use these tables: Consumer, Contact, Borrower, Employee
Relationship to responsibility
- M:M table (S_PER_RESP) stored relationship between Person (S_CONTACT) and responsibility (S_RESP)
- Significant because users don’t have to be EEs to login
Organization related entities
Any business enterprise associated with Siebel Application
(Stored in S_ORG_EXT); E.g. Partner Company, External Account purchasing your products, Position, Division, Organization
- Flags on S_ORG_EXT for Internal Division, Channel Partner
Organization-related BCs
- Store main data in S_ORG_EXT
- In addition to others, may use S_BU to:
Used for indexing Organization Name;
Supports organizational visibility
Single Organization Visibility
- Uses BU_ID fk
- BCs have records that can be assigned to one and only one organization
Multi-organizational Visibility
- Uses Intersection table between S_BU + table for BC. Eg:S_PRI_LST_BU is int between S_BU + S_PRI_LST
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