Data Structures Interview Questions

9/27/2012 2 Comments

Computer Science : Data Structures Interview Questions.

Students are supposed to be well aware of the programming concepts using Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees and Graphs. It’s likely that the interviewer may provide you with a scrap of paper and ask to write down certain program modules.
  • Why do we require data structures?
  • What is the difference between a physical structure and a data structure?
  • If I say that linked list is a linear data structure, will you assent to me?
  • What is the difference between a B Tree and B+ Trees? Have they got any similarities?
  • What do you know about AVL rotation?
  • What is the last thing you learned about data structures from a book, magazine or website?
  • You might have used 2-D arrays while programming. But you know that our main memory is of one dimension. How is it possible to establish this?
  • What is FIFO?
  • Can you differentiate between Array and Linked List? Which one is linear and what are the advantages being linear?
  • What do you mean by a circular queue? Can you suggest a situation where we can use this?
  • What do you mean by rear and front end of a queue?
  • (This question is normally a continuation of the above question)What if I insert at the rear end and delete from the front end, what will happen?
  • Have you ever used priority queues? Where do we use them in practical applications?
  • How can a stack be implemented? Which one do you prefer? Why?
  • What would you imagine the problems that could happen if the data structures didn’t exist?
  • How do you explain what a data structure means, to a 12-year old nephew of yours?
  • Suppose you are a teacher and a student comes to you with his ambiguities between databases and data structures. How could you make him understand these two?
  • What are activation trees? What is its use?
  • Which data structure is used for better performances under insertion and deletion on a dynamic basis?
  • What is the Worst Case of “Merge Sort”?
  • Where are linked lists used?
  • Could you please explain Dijkstra’s Algorithm in brief?
  • Is double link list a linear data structure? Why?


  1. It will be a great help for the CSE Students. Need answers too of these questions to make it easy for them
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