S_SRM_REQUEST and S_ESCL_REQ getting queued issue

9/11/2012 No Comment

Assignments getting queued and S_ESCL_REQ and S_SRM_REQUEST tables growing.

Here are few checks, I would like you to ensure.

Check if there is any record in s_escl_req table
  • select count(*) from s_escl_req;
If the o/p is more than zero and keeps growing or remains constant, then WorkMonTask comp might be stuck and not processing the records.

Check the task status of WorkMonTask (list tasks for comp WorkMonTask) and see if the row_id or rule_id displayed as part of task_status keeps changing.

It is possible that, S_ESCL_REQ table keeps growing and WorkMonTask is still processing if multple imports gets kicked in and AsgnSrvr keeps inserting records into S_ESCL_REQ table.

So, we need to use the combination of WorkMonTask comp task status, Record count on S_ESCL_REQ and S_ESCL_LOG (for every record gets processed from S_ESCL_REQ, a new record gets added into S_ESCL_LOG).

Check AsgnSrvr,SrProc,WfProcMgr and WorkMonTask for any errors/issues.

- If you find records in in S_SRM_REQUEST with status Active, Queued or Errored (pls note that S_ESCL_REQ table may have Zero records), means assignments are stuck for end user. Actual assignments happens only if the records in S_SRM_REQUEST gets processed. You might need to check logs for WfProcMgr and SRProc for any conclusion.
  • 1. Check if your environment is meeting all the SRSP listed requirements for softwares and hardwares used?
  • 2. Ensure that there is enough free drive space.
  • 3. Ensure to check with Oracle Support if there is any Fix available for particular issue.

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