Assignments getting queued and S_ESCL_REQ and S_SRM_REQUEST tables growing.
Here are few checks, I would like you to ensure.Check if there is any record in s_escl_req table
- select count(*) from s_escl_req;
Check the task status of WorkMonTask (list tasks for comp WorkMonTask) and see if the row_id or rule_id displayed as part of task_status keeps changing.
It is possible that, S_ESCL_REQ table keeps growing and WorkMonTask is still processing if multple imports gets kicked in and AsgnSrvr keeps inserting records into S_ESCL_REQ table.
So, we need to use the combination of WorkMonTask comp task status, Record count on S_ESCL_REQ and S_ESCL_LOG (for every record gets processed from S_ESCL_REQ, a new record gets added into S_ESCL_LOG).
Check AsgnSrvr,SrProc,WfProcMgr and WorkMonTask for any errors/issues.
- If you find records in in S_SRM_REQUEST with status Active, Queued or Errored (pls note that S_ESCL_REQ table may have Zero records), means assignments are stuck for end user. Actual assignments happens only if the records in S_SRM_REQUEST gets processed. You might need to check logs for WfProcMgr and SRProc for any conclusion.- 1. Check if your environment is meeting all the SRSP listed requirements for softwares and hardwares used?
- 2. Ensure that there is enough free drive space.
- 3. Ensure to check with Oracle Support if there is any Fix available for particular issue.
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