Siebel EAI Sample Interview Question Answers

10/21/2012 No Comment

Siebel EAI Interview Question Answers collected from real time interviews.

What are the possible solutions to control a Siebel application from an external system ?
Answer : To control a Siebel application from an external system we can use either one of the
following solutions.
  • Workflow for EAI
  • Object Interface
What are the possible solutions to export Siebel data to an external system ?
Answer : To export Siebel data to an external system we can use either one of the following
  • Enterprise Integration Manager ( EIM )
  • Object Interface
  • Workflow for EAI (Outbound)
  • EAI Dispatch service (Outbound )
What are the ways of invoking a business service ?
  • A workflow process
  • A method from another business service
  • A user interface event
  • A Siebel object interface ( COM , CORBA , Java )
What are integration objects?
Answer : Integration objects enable the transformation of application-specific data into a common
format (such as XML) that other applications can process

What is the difference between Integration object and Integration object instance ?
• An integration object is metadata. A model of the structure of a particular data set.
• Whereas an integration object is metadata. A model of the structure of a particular data

What are the different ways to invoke an EAI Workflow ?
Answer :
• Workflows can be invoked using :-
.. A Workflow
.. A run-time Event
.. A script
.. The workflow process simulator ( for testing )

What are the EAI Siebel Adapter methods ?
• Query
• Upsert
• Delete
• Synchronize
• Execute

What does a EAI Siebel Adapter Query method does ?
Answer : Selects data from the Siebel database Without using Siebel object interfaces

What does a EAI Siebel Adapter Query method does ?
Answer : Combines update and insert operations

What does a EAI Siebel Adapter Delete method does ?
Answer : Deletes a business component instance

What does a EAI Siebel Adapter Synchronize method does ?
• Changes data in a business object instance to match data in an integration object
• Updates, inserts, or deletes a business component instance

What does a EAI Siebel Adapter Execute method does ?
Answer : Performs a combination of operations on components of an integration object instance

What is a Siebel data adapter ?
  • Is a user interface that enables you to create data maps for outbound and inbound data transformation
  • Is declarative — little or no programming is necessary
  • Uses the EAI Data Mapping Engine business service to execute the data transformation
  • Stores data transformation maps in the Siebel database
What is a data map ?
Answer : 
  • Defines the relationship between the source and target format
  • Directs the mapping and transformation process
What is a rule set ?
Answer : A group of rules in a sequence, used to parse property set input until a rule is found that
matches the input

What is a rule ?
Answer : 
  • A search expression to evaluate incoming data, plus
  • A business service and method to send data matching the criteria
What is a transform ?
A specification of a target format for the output property set, plus
A specification of the source data in the output property set

What is a grammer ?
Answer : Notation that defines a rule, a subset of the XPath standard

What does an EAI XML Write to file business service do ?
Answer : Transforms data from a property set to an XML format and writes it to a file

What does an EAI XML Read from file business service do ?
Answer : Reads a file and transforms data from an XML format to a property set format

What does an EAI HTTP Transport Adapter file business service do ?
Answer : 
  • Sends/receives XML messages across the Internet to or from a port using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Can send messages beyond corporate boundaries to Web-based applications written in Java, JavaScript, VBScript, or another Web-enabled technology
  • Transports messages in XML format by default
  • Provides synchronous connectivity
  • Supports all inbound and outbound transport methods
  • Runs within the Siebel Object Manager
What is the difference between get and post HTTP Methods ?
Answer : 
.. Use when URL access will not change the state of the database
.. Use to ask for a specific piece or set of information
.. Example: Clicking a hyperlink uses GET
.. Use when URL access will change the state of the database
.. Use to post a specific piece or set of information
.. Example: Sending information in a Web-based form uses POST

What is the difference between event and event handler ?
Answer : 
• An event is a user or system action to which the Siebel application might respond
.. Select events are exposed through the Application Programming Interface
.. Example: Updating a record, updating a field, and deleting a record
• An event handler is the Siebel code that executes in response to the event
.. Example: When the user steps off a record being edited (the event), the
application responds by committing the record to the database (the
event handler)

What are the Business Service Events ?
• Service_PreInvokeMethod
• Service_InvokeMethod
• Service_PreCanInvokeMethod

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