Siebel Workflow Processes Tutorial.
What is a Siebel Workflow.
Workflow = Timely management of events of an event in order to ensure proper handling
Siebel Steps:
Versioning = only one active version of a given workflow process at a time
- Companies establish bus rules and procedures
- Business Rules and procedures are not consistently enforced
- Sometimes rules enforced pragmatically are inflexible to changing bus needs
- Difficult to manage across multiple channels + external applications
Solution: Siebel Workflow allows and solves the following
- companies to define their workflow steps and the events that trigger them
- is a set of tools to graphically define the processes and steps
- an engine to automate these processes
- invoke either immediately (via run-time events) or over time (via workflow policies)
Siebel Workflow process
Defined as a series of steps (usually with inputs + outputs) and embedded sub-processes executed in response to a defined set of conditions.
(could be process properties)
Steps in a Siebel Workflow Process.
# Siebel Decision Point Step = use branch to various steps based on conditions
- I.e. SR Severity = High vs Low
# Siebel Business Service Step = perform a Siebel-provided or custom function
- I.e. send email
# Sub Process Step = used to start another process within an existing process
- I.e. to re-use previously defined workflow processes
- Requires input arguments and may have outputs (i.e. pass Id)
# Operation Step = updates and inserts Siebel data w/o programmatic knowledge
- I.e. insert, update,query
# Siebel Wait Step = define a period of time before executing a subsequent process
- Pause for time until:
- ---> Amount of time,
- ---> Until run-time event occurs,
- ---> Timeout parameter,
- I.e. do not send email follow-up for 24 hrs
- I.e. send email on day 1 of campaign, Day 2 of campaign, etc
# User Interact Step = navigates user to a view + waits for a response
- I.e. navigates user to a view to enter credit card number before purchasing items in shopping cart
# Connector = used to define the direction of flow between two workflow steps
# Exception = used to handle system and user-defined errors
# Start Step = trigger workflow process
# Stop = notify user of error and stop workflow
# End = finish the process
Siebel Steps:
# Define Rules to be automated = design
# Create Workflow process = use process designer
# Define Step Details = use aforementioned steps
# Test the process = user process simulator; default values with Default String in Process properties
# Activate the process = compiles process, checks syntax
Versioning = only one active version of a given workflow process at a time
Workflow Management Component Group must be enabled for the enterprise.
Consists of Five server components:
Generate triggers
- Creates insert, update, delete triggers on base tables using workflow policies
Workflow Action Agent
- Optional component that executes actions associated with workflow policies
Workflow Monitor Agent
- Monitors policies to invoke workflow processes
Workflow Process Batch Manager
- Enables workflow processes to be run in batch mode allowing actions to be executed for multiple records
Workflow Process Manager
- Workflow engine for Workflow processes and is used for real-time process automation (i.e. user defined events)
How to Invoke a Workflow Process
Invoke a Siebel Workflow by Workflow policies.
- Defined set of rules to be monitored and the actions to take when a rule condition is met (i.e. SR = Critical).
- Policies should be limited, and should be used primarily to invoke a workflow process and the process should contain the complex logic
- Steps:
- Create Workflow group
- ---> I.e. Borrower Contact Creation vs. Transaction processing at Dept of Ed
- ---> Collection of WF Policies monitored concurrently
- ---> Why multiple? To assign to different Agents for load balancing across many application servers, assign different polling intervals for different groups
- Create Workflow policy action
- ---> Why action before Policy? B/c actions can be used by multiple policies
- ---> Actions initiate ‘something’, primarily a workflow process
- ---> Actions are independent of Policies
- Create Workflow Policy
- ---> All conditions must be met AND duration must be satisfied to trigger WFP Actions
- ---> Consist of: # Conditions = i.e. SR Priority = Medium, # Actions = ie. eCRM Call XYZ ,Workflow , # Arguments = not always populated
- Generate Database Triggers
- ---> WF Policies use database triggers to ID which records satisfy policy conditions
- ---> Re-execute this step after changing or adding new policies
- ---> EXEC must = TRUE
- ---> When triggers execute, copies records to S_ESCL_REQ table
- Start Workflow monitor Agent
- ---> Monitor Agent monitors all policies (S_ESCL_REQ) within a single WF Group
- ---> Policy must be part of a workflow group
- ---> Start from command line:
- ---> Start task for component WorkMon server DCCASO1 with SleepTime = 60, GroupName =’eCRM
Invoke a Siebel Workflow by Siebel Run-time events
- Responds to an action or occurence
- Minimizes need for customer scripting and workflow policy invocations
- E.g. NewRecord, ButtonClick, Hyperlink, Field Change
- Applet Events
- Business Component events
- Application Events
Invoke a Siebel Workflow by Scripting Language
- Can invoke WF Policies via VB or eScript
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