Discrete Mathematics and Computational Structures Interview Questions

11/21/2012 No Comment

Discrete Mathematics and Computational Structures Questions.

Core Technical Interview Questions for Computer Science/IT Students.

  1. Do you think Dijisktra’s Algorithms is flawless to find out the shortest path?
  2. Are trees and graphs are relevant in computing? Where are they used?
  3. Give an example of a Monoid. 
  4. Define the degree of a vertex in a graph.
  5. If X = {1, 2, 3}, Y = {3, 4}. Find X x Y.
  6. What do you mean by an equivalence relation?
  7. Explain ‘Pigeon Hole Principle’?
  8. What is a spanning tree?
  9. Explain what do you mean by a Hamiltonian circuit?
  10. What’s the difference between a complete binary tree and full binary tree?
  11. What do you mean by a ‘regular graph’?
  12. Define equivalent Finite State Machines
  13. Give an example of infinite sequence.
  14. Explain what do you mean by finite state machine.
  15. Define lattice and a weighted graph.
  16. Explain what do you mean by a minimum spanning tree.
  17. What do you mean by BNF notation?
  18. Prove that ((a->b) ^ (b-> c)) -> (a -> c) is a tautology
  19. What is the difference between a graph and a tree?
  20. Do you know about the Traveling Salesman Problem?
  21. Find the distance between x = 1101101 and y = 0001011.
  22. Define isomorphic graph and a connected graph
  23. Please provide an example of infinite sequence
  24. Have you heard about Graph Coloring Problem with Minimal number of Colours?
  25. Can you provide an example of empty set

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