Project Manager Interview - Management Ability

2/07/2011 No Comment

Management Ability Project Manager Interview Questions.

Lets say that there is a business crisis in your company. How sort of skills will you use to guide others in such a crisis?
Answer : The question is intended to find out the how the manager can work in tough situations. Job seeker should be able to show that they can supervise and give direction while acting under trying circumstances.

Describe in brief what will you do when you found yourself in a compromising situation?
Answer : Job Applicant should answer in such a way that will show his ability to a make good and fast decisions. In such a situation, he should not be a victim and should work towards doing what is right for the organization. You should be honest without sounding naive

When it comes to your work, what are the steps that you would take to organize and prioritize your daily tasks?
Answer : This is a important question meant to find out the focus of the employee to organize and prioritize. Tell them that you are quite good at this because of which you were always able to complete projects on time.

Tell us how do you decide which tasks should take priority?
Answer : Tell the interviewer that you  always appear focused when deciding what needs to be completed first and that having common sense in decision making is sufficient. Mention that you always try to deliver the things that are time critical and is in immediate requirement by the customer.

Was there ever an instance in your organization when a customer asked you to “bend the rules”?
Answer :  Another tricky question. You need to demonstrate your ethical and professional standards when you answer this question . Mention that you always keep in mind the interests of the organization, its high values and had made them understand that the interests of the organization are more important than the customer’s interests. Hence, you will never bend the rules because it is highly unethical on the part of the employee.

There is a proposal put forward by the whole team which you think is unethical, how do you react?
Answer : This question is intended to find out how firm you are in your decision and if you can compromise values. You should be able to express your views in a professional and persuasive manner. Tell them that you will never bend under pressure and will be able to stand up firm for what you believe is right and just.

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